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Audio Leads Podcast

Audio Branding: How and Why - Part 1 - Jodi Krangle

Jodi Krangle will tell us how she decided to launch her podcast and why she wanted to tell the world about the importance of sound in our lives.

Sound is powerful and influences us in many different ways within our lives. Jodi Krangle is a voice actor, singer, solopreneur, podcaster and media geek. She has worked with clients from major brands worldwide, including Dell, GE & Kraft. 

She'll tell us more about who she is, her podcast “Audio Branding: the hidden gem of marketing”, and why sonic branding can be so influential.


  • Audio branding has to become a priority for brands, “an audience will forgive bad video, they won’t forgive bad sound.” 
  • From a life coach to being an authority in audio branding: all through podcasting
  • Tips for launching your podcast: audience, process, cost, choose your topic…
  • Advantages of podcasting and sound design

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