
Audio Software for Recording Podcasts Fast

Written by Jowie El Hakim - Podcast Producer | Mar 14, 2021 11:00:00 PM

Creating a podcast can be very time-consuming, but it doesn't have to be this way. The way you record your show makes all the difference. In-person, remote or asynchronous... which one should you choose?

There are lots of different ways to record your podcast episodes; all you need is the proper equipment setup, and you’re ready to go! 

However, recording and editing a podcast can take a lot of time; a one hour episode can require around 6 hours or more. It involves creating the show’s outline, setting up the recording equipment, travel time (if there are any guests), sound check, recording the episode, editing the audio (which, alone, can take hours) and finally posting and promoting the show.

A lot of people quit after recording a few episodes, because the process is long and draining. It can also be difficult to record content quickly in response to current events, which is why saving time is crucial. Luckily, there are some ways that you might be able to do just that, essentially by using the right audio recording software. 

Audio Recording Software is an essential element in any podcast setup, and we’re going to help you choose the right one for you depending on your requirements. 

Covered in this article

In-person Audio Recording Software

  • Audio Hijack
  • Any DAW
  • Audacity

Remote Audio Recording Software

  • Squadcast
  • Zencastr
  • Zoom
  • Descript
  • Skype

Asynchronous Audio Recording Software

  • Rumble Studio
  • Volley
  • Micdropp
  • Anchor
  • Phonic


In-person Audio Recording Software

Face to face interviews can produce spontaneous natural conversations that are great to listen to, but they tend to be the most time consuming to produce. Not only is the recording process long, but the editing afterwards can be tiresome too. You have to listen to everything again, cut up the tracks to remove the unwanted parts, and then add jingles and effects. 

However, if you’re planning on hosting guests on your podcast and recording the whole thing on the spot, we’ve got you covered.


A digital audio workstation (DAW) is software that can be used for recording, editing and producing audio files. Any DAW will do; all you have to do is pick the one that makes the whole process easier for you. Here are some options that we think you might like:

- Hindenburg is available on both Mac and Windows and allows you to not only record your content, but to also easily edit it. Its user-friendly interface sets it apart from others.
- Adobe Audition is made explicitly for podcast production and has advanced tools just for that. There are a ton of easy-to-follow tutorials online to help you get started.
- Avid Pro Tools is hard to beat if you are looking for premium sound quality. It is a very well-known DAW, especially when it comes to music production or anything that has to do with audio.


For more of an in-depth look at these software tools and more, check out this article about the best podcast equipment setups for 2021.

Audio Hijack

Audio Hijack will record any audio output from open applications on your Macbook. It can also, and most importantly, record audio from microphones and mixers. 

The best part is that all of it can be recorded at once, so if you want to add sound effects or jingles, you won’t even have to edit them in later; they can all be recorded on the same track. This is especially beneficial if you’re going for unedited and unfiltered podcast episodes. 

If you still want to edit out some unnecessary content or just make your episodes more fast paced, a digital audio workstation (DAW) is your best bet.


Audacity is very commonly used in the world of podcasting. It's available on Mac and Windows, and has a lot of great features. The best part is that it’s free. It is a simple audio editor with relatively basic features compared to a DAW. It’s a great option if you don’t plan on doing a lot of editing.

All of these softwares are great, but if you’re remotely hosting a guest, there are better options that you can choose from that were designed to make your life easier.

Remote Audio Recording Software

Let’s face it, our world has shifted more and more online, especially in the past year. Does that mean that you can’t host guests for your podcasts anymore? Of course not. 

Remote software helps to save time because you and your guest can be at home, therefore cutting travel time, and you won’t have to edit much since it’s all recorded in one single place. 

Here are our top picks for remote software that will allow you to carry on with your podcast even if you’re stuck at home.


When it comes to choosing a remote recording service, audio quality is one of the most important factors, that’s why we recommend SquadCast. It is a user-friendly web application that provides excellent audio quality for remote recording by using double-ender recordings, with the reassurance of continual file backups. 


With Zencastr, simply invite your guests, hit record, and download studio-quality sound files. Like with SquadCast, separate tracks are recorded for each guest locally which avoids any dips in quality.


You probably already have Zoom on your laptop or phone. With some configuration, the audio quality can match that of professional audio recording software. This is because you can have each guest record audio locally then send you their audio, which protects you from internet connectivity issues.


Descript is a collaborative audio/video editor. It includes transcription, a screen recorder, publishing, full multitrack editing, and some very useful AI tools. Users mainly edit their podcast recordings using this user-friendly software as it makes it incredibly easy. All of your data is confidential — even from them. It provides cloud sync which allows you and your collaborators to instantly access your content from anywhere. The most impressive feature that Descript offers is automatic transcription with incredible accuracy, and it costs around $2.00 per minute. It allows users to record using separate tracks, similar to Squadcast, but with transcript and “edit using text” features.


Podcasting with Skype is not as common these days as it used to be, but it’s still a popular method due to its availability; it makes collaborating with people on creating great content extremely easy. It’s simple to use and doesn’t need additional software or equipment. The downsides are that connectivity issues can really hamper your audio quality, and it only offers mono recording.

Asynchronous Audio Recording Software

How can you improve on remote software for long-distance podcasts? The answer: with asynchronous software. The main advantage is that you can pre-record your questions and invite your guests to reply at their convenience, avoiding the need to schedule (and re-schedule) interviews, or spend time recording.

Rumble Studio

Rumble Studio is a new and user-friendly web app that features a friendly A.I. host-bot that interviews your guest using your pre-recorded questions. It helps you to produce more audio in less time, and maintain a consistent output of content.

You can either record directly into the app itself or upload your audio files (jingles, questions, sound effects, etc.) into the conversation, then rearrange them in the way that suits you. Once the conversation is over, you can either download the episode as one mp3 file or as multiple audio files in the order that you put them in.

This process saves you a lot of time since you and your guest can record your parts according to your different schedules. It also provides you with the entire edited episode at the end of your session. 


Volley allows you to record your questions directly into the app and send the conversation to your guests so that they can reply whenever they can. Although you can’t rearrange or upload external audio files into the conversation, it provides you with an entirely stitched episode for editing and sharing with smooth transitions.


Micdropp is an audio recorder that can be used for any situation. They have a script prompter and a Dropbox where you can safely store your audio files and access them wherever/whenever you want.  


Anchor by Spotify mainly focuses on your episodes’ distribution. It’s an all in one platform where you can record, edit and publish your episodes. They have a voice message inbox that you use to collect audio clips from your listeners, then use these in your final episode.


Phonic’s purpose is to make surveys more interesting and accurate using video and audio so that people don’t take too much time writing their answers. However, if you think about it, this can be efficient for podcasts as well, since what you’re going for is questions and answers. 


Everyone can create a podcast, but it’s important to stay consistent and not give up before you start to see results. There are many innovative techniques and software tools that can save you time and money, and make your life much easier when it comes to recording, editing and publishing your episodes. After all, when there is a will, there is always a way!